The basic symmetry of  I Ching



                                                                            B. Svarog







         We suggest that the original symbolic system of I ching was designed on the same principles that are assumed to be a basis of the kalavada system‚ which elements had reached us through the teachings of Pythagoreans and Plato, as well as through esoteric cosmogonies of archaic epoch (fixed‚ in particular‚ in the first chapters of Genesis).


         First of all let us define an uncomplicated operation, the result of which is a third gua (an I chin drawing) made from two others. So‚ if a strong line Yang, enclosed in a given position, plays a role of a switch on a relay principle ("there is a signal") and changes the value of the latter into the opposite one, than a weak line Yin expresses an absence of a change in a given position ("no signal").

         Such interaction of the lines answers the boolean law of logical adding:


                                                                                     0 + 0 = 0,

                                                                                     0 + 1 = 1,

                                                                                     1 + 0 = 1,

                                                                                     1 + 1 = 0.


         The difference from the usual arithmetical adding here is concluded in the fact that two units together give a zero‚ i.e. the following rank is not taken into account (in the binary scale of notation  1+1=10).


         For the simplicity we shall say‚ that A applies to B‚ and herewith we get C:

                                                                                     A (B) = C.


         The law of transposition A (B) = B (A) = C, as well as inverse relations:  À (Ñ) = Â è Â (Ñ) = À are equitable for the operation given.


         If the sequence of trigrams in binomial "order of generating" (Table 1) is taken as a source, the operation Kun ( ), applied to these sequences, leaves all trigrams without changing ("a unity element"), but the operation Kian ( ) transforms all guas into their opposites, reversing the source order of trigrams ("an inverse element")*:


                   Table 1.




         The rest six trigrams, changing one lines and leaving without changing the other, form from the source order (1) the following derived sequences (Table 2):


                   Table 2.






         From brought above it becomes clear, that if opposites (A-O) are linked by Kian  (eighth position), the parallel (A-P) - by Kan  (third position),  the coordinated Ê1 and Ê2 (À - Ê1 è À - Ê2) are linked with the source trigram A by Jen and Dui  accordingly (fifth and seventh positions). If two trigrams are opposites, their co-ordinates are in opposition too, but if they are parallel, their co-ordinates coincide and herewith are parallel themselves.


         The way of location of hexagrams in families or "houses" by Khan-dynasty scientist Ching Fan (77- 33 B.C.) was based on trigrams ÀÎÏÊ1Ê2 relations of.  Ching Phang was also known for his work of the musical theory lui (the quint system).

         When marking a source trigram by the letter A the family of eight hexagrams about the given trigram is formed up as follows**:






         It is easy to see‚ that eight relations between five forming trigrams ÀÎÏÊ1Ê2 (corresponding to number of five elements) in each of Ching Fan’s families in turn are no other than eight trigrams - Table 3.  We are sure‚ that similarly to this order‚ shown in families‚ a certain end-to-end relation must define the sequence of all the 64 I ching hexagrams.


                                                                                                                                                                                                     Table 3.





         Taken for the base a square 8x8 trigrams in binomial "order of generating" (1)‚ corresponding to Former sky‚ and "having multiplied" each trigram in a column by each trigram in a line in accordance with the above mentioned logical procedure (Tables 1 and 2)‚ we receive the pattern of matrix 8õ8, characterizing these secondary relations between trigrams.  For painting the chequers we will use colours of five elements‚ and different tones of a colour in the case, when one and the same element corresponds to two trigrams - Fig. 1.

         In  Fig. 1.  trigrams Kian and Dui  answer an element of Metal (blue and white colours of squares), trigrams Kun and Gen - an element of  Earth (yellow and orange colour), trigrams Sun and Jen - an element of  Tree (green and blue colour),  trigram Li - an element of Fire (red)‚ and trigram Kan - of Water (black). These correspondences answer the accepted order of elements in ba gua of the Former and Following sky and Lo shu - the "9 fields" square.




         In the Chinese cosmology Earth and Metal mark the two diametrically-opposite principles - passive and active‚ or lower and upper limits of the world’s Octave. Besides, the element Metal can be identified with Ether ("Heaven") - quintessence of neo-Platonists‚ as well as the Spirit of the near-East and Christian traditions; the passive origin in the latter corresponds to the deep and the waters:


                                              "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

                                                 Now the earth was formless and empty. Darkness was on the surface of the deep.

                                               God’s Spirit was hovering over the surface of the waters"

                                                                                                                                  (Gen. 1:1, 2).


         In China «God’s Spirit» answers the Heaven = Kian () - otherwise "Creation"‚ the element of Metal (Ether) and the sign of the odd (“strong line” Yang and triad), "waters" of Genesis correspond to Earth = Kun ( ) - "Accomplishment"‚ and the sign of the even (“weak line” Yin and duad).


         It is obviously, that one counter position (Heaven and the Earth, the odd and  the even) is insufficient for the description of "variety of all the things", and therefore other symmetry relations would to be generated from the base of these principles.


         But earlier determined by us logical operation between two source trigrams brings once again to the same Kian and Êun:



         The outlet from the dead end ancient theorists saw in making a symmetry of axial type (a cross) as a fetus of lengthiness - by the image of that what the Pythagoreans named tetrax, but the Chinese - Four images (Si sian):




         The twin counter position Kian - Êun (Heaven - Earth) and Li - Kan (Fire -Water) is fixed by order of the Former and the Following sky ba gua. Let’s take into account, that trigrams Li and Êàn possess the same characteristic of internal symmetry as Kian and Êun: they are not changed by turning over (reverse)‚ and presenting the opposites -  pass over to their pair by changing lines (yin « yang). At the same time Li turns over (reverse) any asymmetrical trigram‚ but Êàn transforms a trigram into its parallel (reverse opposite) - Table 2. Relations in the first quadruplets are expressed as follows:




         "Multiplying" Li and Êàn returns us once again to a Kian (inverse element). However, it is impossible to say that the principle Êun does not play a role in the first quadruplet: though "multiplying" by Êun gives the same trigram (that corresponds to an identical element) ‚ the "inwardly symmetrical" trigrams Êàn and Li could not be formed without an introduction of weak lines. Otherwise, the opposition of Kian «Êun   marks the first symmetry ration, on the basis of which all the rest rations are formed.


         It is inquisitively, that if we take numeric (binary) values of these trigrams, they will give the follows:





         The vertical axis forms Êun -  do (0‚ as well as 8 =1000 in the binary scale of notation‚ that is to say an octave) - and the seventh step si = 7: by them are determined extreme limits of an îctave space ("Heaven - Earth")***. But on a horizontal axis the “dynamic” 2 and 5 (in the amount giving 7) are located, i.e. the fifth step = quint (31) ‚ and the second step = whole tone (32) ‚ corresponding to the first segments of octave interval and the base of development of all following harmonic numbers (Pythagorean tetrax). We also know, that the quint answers a harmonic ration 7 : 5 (3.5 tone to 2.5 tone). In the musical correspondences of ba gua  Li () - Êàn() also give a quint ration.


         The Li trigram is compared to element Fire and quality of the light (red colour of  squares in Fig.1), the trigram Êàn - to element Water and the dark (black colour of squares). Genesis in the first chapter denominates the relation of a second pair of trigrams by following verses:


                                                            " God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

                                                               God saw the light, and saw that it was good. God divided the light                                                     from the darkness.

                                                               God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. There was                                                  evening and there was morning, one day"

                                                                                                                                             (G. 1: 3-5).


         In this first aeon (cycle) of Creation appear three quint steps (fa, do, sol) and the first quadruple (tetrax) of an Octave (îctave interval‚ a quint‚ a quart and whole tone). The following "numbers of creation" or the rest of the notes of a diatonic gamma (“Tetrax B”, by A.Losev) must comprise with necessity the beginnings of the first tetrax.


         In the genitive matrix of 64 hexagrams of Fig. 1‚ containing colours of trigrams and  corresponding  them elements‚ eight of going on the perimeter squares 2x2 contain red and black cells Li and Êan (Fire and Water), while the central and angular - only the colours of source elements Earth and Metal. These angular squares note the cardinal perpendicular axes in the 12-step circle of the Octave:  fa – si and rå – lab (sol#) -  its quaternary pattern‚ while the squares, including colours of Li and Êàn‚ correlate with both main diatonic and chromatic changed notes. Only red and black cells from those going on periphery adjoin to angular squares of Heaven and Earth.


         But in order to form a second quadruplex and to complete a seven step gamma of an octave one more condition of symmetry is required, which the already received four trigrams do not possess. Corresponding to them two main procedures - a formation of an îpposite trigram (change all the line into opposites‚ or operation Kian), as well as a reverse trigram (turning them over‚ or operation Li) do not give a way to create four staying trigrams.  The transformation is coming to rescue, known from the divinatory practice of I ching as building of the internal hexagram (chu gua):







         In this way of structure realignment of hexagrams  two upper lines are taken from the lower and one lower line from the upper trigram, and then the upper line from the lower and two lower lines from the upper trigram.

Only in this way four trigrams of the second tetrax are to be received, which possess one more, additional to the first two, parameter of asymmetry: their reversing brings to another trigram.  Three differences (or base kind of asymmetry)‚ applied together‚ are capable now to give five types of main relations between trigrams (Table 3): (A) - "the unity element", (O) - complementary opposition or "the inverse element", a parallel (P) and two "co-coordinated" (Ê1 and Ê2):




         Three types of internal symmetry generate five relations ÀÎPÊ1Ê2 - corresponding to a number of  five elements - which‚ therefore‚ generate about eight trigrams in each of Ching Fan’s family of hexagrams. As far as the generating matrix of I ching  itself comprises three, five and eight beginnings (accordingly to the first three levels of Octave numbers), these principles enter then as the patterns into all processes, resulting in empirical time gaps, according to the ideology of founders of the doctrine about Changes (I).


         It is possible to make sure that similar "abstract algebra" is far from being trivial; however, its explications were already in use a millennium B.C.

         Four trigrams of the second tetrax are bound by relations of four trigrams of the first tetrax:






         In the esoterism of Generation the stage of forming of the second tetrax (building the seven-step gamma of first Cosmos) is denominated by following words:


                                                             "God said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it                                                    divide the waters from the waters.

                                                            God made the expanse, and divided the waters which were under the                                                     expanse from the waters which were above the expanse, and it was so.

                                                            God called the expanse sky. There was evening and there was morning,                                                  a second day"

                                                                                                                                            (G. 1: 6-8).


         «An expanse in the midst of the waters» in this instance corresponds to a trigram Gen  -  “Mountain- otherwise a Cave  - and to the Earth element. In Fig. 1 squares of Gen are painted orange, and they attendant to walking diagonally from the left lower corner yellow squares of Êun‚ also designating Earth.

         The opposite Gen is to be Dui  -  "Lake", as well as a Reflection   its corresponding element is Metal ("Ether"). To this element answers also the trigram Kian "Heaven" - noting, as we know, an active principle. In the Fig. 1. squares of Dui are painted white, and they accompany diagonally going from the left upper corner blue squares of Kian.

         The opposition Kian ─ Êun  - "HeavenEarth" is parallel to the opposition Li─Êàn - "FireWater" or "Light - Dark". In Fig. 1.  red squares of Li (Light) just adjoins to white squares of Dui and  blue squares of Kian (element  Metal) in upper-left and lower-right sectors, while the black squares of Êàn (Dark) are connected with  orange squares of Gen and  yellow squares of Êun (element  Earth) in the lower-left and upper-right sectors of diagram.


         It is necessary to say about the last two trigrams Sun - "Wind" or Motion (Energy)‚ and Jen  - "Thunder" or Message   both marked by the element Tree (green and blue squares of diagram). Their position in the matrix of 64 hexagrams (Fig.1) is distinguished from earlier considered Dui and Gen, to which they are turned over (reversed). If the latter accompany the elements of Heaven and  Earth, then the Sun is connected with squares of Water, and Jen - with squares of Fire. Here we can trace the same correspondence that has been marked by us for proceeding pairs of opposites.

         It will not to be excessive in such a case to quote a passage from the Bible:


                                                  «The earth brought forth grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees                                               bearing fruit, with its seed in it, after their kind: and God saw that it was good.

                                                  There was evening and there was morning, a third day"

                                                                                                                                                          (G. 1: 12, 13).


         According to the plan of the Generation Book‚ "the first day" of Creation is denoted in the fifth verse of the first chapters, "the second day" in the eighth verse, and "the third day" - in the thirteenth verse. After that what has been said above it does not seem a strained interpretation if conclusion, that "formally-logical side of Creation" in Moses times was considered in the full conformity with the stated above about the Octave in its relation to time. In the thirteenth verse a building of eight trigrams and  relation pattern between them is completed, expressed by 64 hexagrams of I ching, and by this the base of unfolding spiral of time is laid, making its first cycle in the thirteenth quint step of the Octave.


                                                 «God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of sky...

                                                    God made the two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser                                            light to rule the night. He also made the stars...

                                                   God saw that it was good.

                                                   There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day"

                                                                                                                                                           (G. 1 : 14-19).


         "Absurdity" of Generation Book’s composition seemed to rationalists to be an acknowledgement of their atheistic arguments: after all why it could happen‚ that God created light and "trees bearing fruit" earlier‚ than luminaries celestial? Six verses of a fourth day‚ describing creation of  luminaries‚ just note a transition from the abstract order to concrete values of manifested time - the rotations  "of signs, and of seasons, and of days and years" in the full consent with the presentation sequence of  Thimeus (38 c-d).  We have defined this stage of building as a fifth level of Octave numbers: as the module of its micro chromatic cycles acts the number eighteen.

         Not less that impresses, that in the Bible language of realties an initial stage of Creation to a certain extent strictly follows the names of the abstract first principles, assumed as a basis on the other edge of the land - in ancient China.



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         2005 © Á.Ñâàðîã


* It is obviously that to the lower and upper borders of boolean structure a notions of unity and inverse elements can be referred only conditionally.

** In: Govinda, Lama Anagarika.  The Inner Structure of the I Ching. -  Weath­erwill, New York 1981.

*** These binary values  simply defines‚ that the lower (Êun = 0) and the upper (Êun = 8) limits of world Octave ("weak element") are resided outside our perception‚ according to the accepted teaching for cosmoses. This is another case for Kian = 7 ("strong" or "transitory" element) - which‚ virtually‚ are we themselves.

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